how can court be 5 already! time has FLOWN by and we are so proud of our big boy! he insisted on having a birthday party at chuck e cheese even though mommy tried really hard to convince him to do something different. but, we really had a great time and it was a very easy party. court's birthday fell on Easter weekend this year, so we enjoyed having the James family with us all weekend, along with nanny & grandad, mimi & pops, and the grimes clan.
reese is chowing down.
no telling what uncle jon is telling court
birthday boy with chuck e cheese and his crown and necklace
thums up cade
birthday boy dancing
present time!!
for court's actual birthday, he wanted to go to the new perot museum in dallas. we love this place!
beckham racing the dinosaur!
best brothers!
we also enjoyed trying out legoland at grapevine mills. so much fun stuff here as well - 3D movie, driving police cars, building with legos, play land, etc